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Our students in their uniform    A close up of the school logo on a blazer


We strive for the highest standards in all aspects of college life and believe that students should take pride in their appearance and their learning environment.  High standards of appearance are an important part of each student’s sense of values and are preparation for the world outside St Catherine's College.  Therefore, we have a clearly stated policy that all students are expected to wear full uniform both whilst journeying to or from St Catherine's College and, of course, on site.  The highest standards are maintained from the moment students enter the college and parents/carers are expected to support the policy with regard to uniform.

  • Plain white blouse or shirt (stiff collar with top button suitable for a tie, worn tucked in. The undergarment colour or pattern should not be visible)*
  • St Catherine’s College tie with House colour
  • Black blazer with embroidered college logo
  • Black college trousers with embroidered college initials or tartan college skirt. Black tailored shorts are permitted in the summer.
  • Unpatterned dark grey or black socks or natural or black tights*
  • Formal plain black leather (or leather type) shoes with closed toe and heels no higher than 5cm*
  • Plain fine knit grey V-neck jumper (optional for Years 7 - 10 only). Plain fine knit burgundy V-neck jumper (optional for Year 11 only) 

*Uniform items that aren't compulsory can be bought from any retailer: shirts, blouses, socks and tights. 


  • Denim or jeans or leggings or figure-hugging styles
  • Any non-St Catherine’s College branded trousers
  • Boots
  • Branded shoes, canvas shoes or sports-type shoes, e.g. Vans
  • Shoes with heels above 5cm or open-toed or backless
  • Trainers - except for PE
  • Polo shirts - except for PE
  • Clothing with motifs, lettering or pictures of any kind, other than St Catherine’s College
  • Zipped/hooded sports tops, jogging tops, non-uniform sweatshirts or cardigans
  • Make-up (except for Year 10 and 11 pupils who may wear it discreetly)
  • False eyelashes
  • Nail Varnish
  • False Nails
  • Jewellery - if ears are pierced, it is permitted to wear one plain, small stud (no bigger than 3mm diameter) in each ear lobe
  • Wristbands
  • Exaggerated hairstyles (including shaved patterns, tramlines, close shaved, Mohican, etc.); brightly coloured dyed hair; hair with coloured patterns or brightly coloured highlights
  • Body piercing
  • Any facial piercing and/or facial piercing retainer
  • Fashion belts, coloured belts other than black
  • Alterations that change the style of St Catherine’s College uniform

All items of uniform must be clearly marked with the student’s name. Any student incorrectly dressed will not be allowed into lessons and may not be admitted to college.  

We may confiscate items that are not uniform. Collection should be made by parents/carers. Please contact your child's year team to arrange a mutually convenient time for collection.

We advise that no other personal items or items of value are brought into college.


  • Polo shirt with college logo
  • Shorts with college logo
  • Black football socks (compulsory for football and rugby) or white sports socks
  • Football boots and shin pads
  • Trainers (not black-soled)
  • Jogging bottoms with college logo (optional)
  • Training jacket with college logo (optional)
  • Zip neck training top with college logo (optional)
  • Base layer with college logo (optional)
  • Plain black leggings


Students must ensure that they come to college fully equipped every day. This will help them be prepared to learn.

  • Student diary (provided at the start of the academic year or date of admission)
  • Black, blue and green pens
  • Pencils
  • Rubber
  • Ruler
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Highlighters
  • Protractor
  • Pair of compasses
  • Drywipe board pen
  • Colouring pencils
  • Glue stick
  • Scientific calculator
  • Reading book and /or revision guide
  • English dictionary
  • Mandarin/French/Spanish dictionary (depending on subject studied)
  • Cycle helmet and bike lock for bicycle users

Our uniform supplier is Price and Buckland. To order uniform, please use the following link:

Price and Buckland are currently offering free returns via Royal Mail. If you need to return an item visit their designated Free returns portal. Full details can also be found in the documents below.


With the cost of living continuing to rise we have taken the decision to set up a uniform 'swap shop' alongside a pre-loved uniform shop. This will allow parents/carers to swap used/unwanted uniform, as well as shoes and football boots.

If you have any uniform that you no longer need and would like to donate to the college, please drop items off at Reception. These items will then be available to swap or be purchased at a low cost.

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