Guiding our choice of units is the aim to produce students that can make sense of the world around them, learn from the mistakes of people in the past and make them ambitious for what they could contribute to the future. The KS3 curriculum is broken down into time periods (1066 -1500, 1500-1750, 1750-1900, and the 20th century) which all students study but are broad enough to allow staff to pursue and encourage individual specialisms and interests. At the heart of each topic is the experience of people. Using a spiral curriculum principle our curriculum returns to and builds upon previous knowledge through in-class retrieval practice backed up by at home learning of key facts which are later tested and used in class. Students are taught to take responsibility for their own learning.
Please find full details of the curriculum for all year groups below. If you have any queries, please get in touch with Mrs J Clifton, Joint Head of History via jclifton@stcatherines.college