Year 7 Induction Evening A Success
Thursday 21 June saw our Induction Evening for our Year 7 pupils joining us in September.
There were a few nervous faces, mainly from the parents, and lots and lots of excited smiles. The evening started with Solomon Berhane, our new Principal, delivering a talk to the parents and pupils about the ethos of the school, the support we offer all our pupils and the importance of the support of parents during their child’s five-year journey at St Catherine’s College. Parents and pupils were then introduced to their Head of Year, Natasha Haggart, and their tutors for the next five years, who spoke about the expectations of the school.
There was a lovely buzz throughout the evening, with pupils trying on and ordering their new uniform and asking questions of their tutors, Head of Year and members of the Senior Leadership Team.
The transition from primary school to secondary school might be a daunting one but we are all here to make the transition on as easy as possible.
Mr Berhane told Year 6 parents to talk to us if there is an issue. This applies to ALL pupils and parents at St Catherine’s College. Our mission statement, ‘God’s children at the heart of everything we do’, means just that; your children are of the upmost value and importance to us so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need to.