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  • 11/10/17

    Olivia heads to the West End!

    Year 9 student, Olivia, has successfully auditioned to sing with 2014 BGT winners, Collabro, at The  London Palladium on November 16th.  Olivia will be singing with 31 other girls as part of the choir and will sing three  numbers.  She trains tirelessly in per...
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  • 10/10/17

    Visit by Streetwise

    Last week, our Year 7 students had a visit from 'Streetwise', a theatre group presenting on road safety awareness.  The presentation was funded by Sussex Safer Roads, a partnership of organisations including Sussex Police, East Sussex County Council, East Sussex Fire Serv...
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  • 10/10/17

    Tip Top Homework

    Year 8 student with an eye to the future.    Hanna went the extra mile with her Biology homework.  What an amazing piece of work.  Well done, Hanna! 
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  • 26/09/17

    Auditions Call

    Auditions for main characters only on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 September 3.30 - 4.30pm.  Sign up on the wall outside the Drama Room.  
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  • 20/09/17

    Busiest Open Evening Ever!

    The queue for Open Evening stretched out of site as families arrived to tour the College and to hear Mr Talbot speak.
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  • 19/09/17

    What Next for Year 11?

    Post-16 Event for Pupils in Year 11 and their Parents and Carers - Wednesday 20 September.  Come along to one of the two presentations at 6.15pm and 6.45pm.      
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  • 19/09/17

    Request for School Fund Donations 

    In this time of governmental hardship, any donations you are able to make to our School Fund are very gratefully received.    Please click on the full story below to find out how we use the money and  how to donate.
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  • 13/09/17

    Proud winners of the Church Schools' Art Competition

    A huge well done to Lydia and Joseph who attended a prize-giving ceremony at St John the Evangelist Church in St Leonards before the summer holidays.  Lydia was presented with first and second prize in the KS4 section of the Church Schools’ Art Competition and Joseph was commend...
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  • 13/09/17

    Our Year 7s are settling in well

    We have been delighted with the way our new Year 7 pupils have taken to life at secondary school.   They all look extremely smart in their St Catherine's uniform and they tell us they are enjoying their lessons.    Our photo was taken during a Drama lesson.
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  • 13/09/17

    Open Evening 2017

    Tuesday 19 September 2017.  Tours start at 5.45pm.  Principal's speech at 6.00pm and 7.30pm.   We'd love you to join us.
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  • 13/09/17

    All in a Day's Work!

    It's amazing what our receptionist has to deal with!   Some of our wonderful, caring pupils came running into school to tell her that a sheep was cowering in the car park of St Luke's Church, just down Priory Road.    Following some investigation, Mrs Dolan was able to find th...
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